Weekly Roundup

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”  -John Muir

Echeveria Hybrid Tohono Chul Park, Tucson, AZ, USA
Echeveria Hybrid
Tohono Chul Park, Tucson, AZ, USA
Photo: Robert Clark
The Madagascan sunset moth, Chrysiridia rhipheus, is often called the most beautiful Lepidoptera in the world. It’s bright colors indicate that it may be poisonous to predators.
Bald Eagle and Great Blue Herons. Photo: Bonnie Block/Audubon Photography Awards
Bald Eagle and Great Blue Herons. Photo: Bonnie Block/Audubon Photography Awards
Photo: Bernhard Edmaier Landeyjarsandur, Iceland. The water moving across the moor lands is bright yellow as a result of dissolving iron minerals out of the dark volcanic soil which it transports to the coast.
Photo: Bernhard Edmaier
Landeyjarsandur, Iceland. The water moving across the moor lands is bright yellow as a result of dissolving iron minerals out of the dark volcanic soil which it transports to the coast.
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