Siesta Doors

Siesta Doors is a street photography project documenting the store-front shutter doors of Valencia, Spain.

Valencia is filled with local tiendas hidden away in the narrow streets of their barrios. Many of these shops close during siesta, the hours between around 2pm to 5pm when Spaniards take a break for lunch and a nap. I was walking during siesta and noticed that many store front doors have incredible artwork that can only be photographed when closed.

Some doors are related to the shop. Some aren’t. Some doors are covered in graffiti that the owners may not like. Some include great advertising.

Some are simple, some are exquisitely detailed, some are just cute or funny. But each one is beautiful in some way, and I look forward to sharing that with you.

Siesta Doors is a chance to take advantage of the hours that we photographers avoid. And they’re a a great way to see and discover Valencia. A museum that’s only open when everything is closed.

I’ll share Siesta Doors photos on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and I’ll include my favorite for the week in my Sunday Roundups. You can also find the entire collection here.

Thanks for seeing!

Theme — Timber
All contents © Saeah Lee 2019
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